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    Right Jolly Old Elf
    Christmas Ribbon

    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
    And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
    A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
    And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

       Do you know how the tradition of the Christmas Tree Angel began?

    Christmas is  typically celebrated by decorating Christmas trees, wrapping gifts, hanging stockings for Santa Claus to fill, singing carols and feasting with family and friends. Christmas tree tradition is often quaint, always nostalgic.  We think of a stalwart dad holding a rip saw, forested acreage, and some children anxiously waiting.  

    Today, in the US, several events take place around the National Christmas Tree. The Lighting of the National Christmas Tree will take place on Thursday, December 5th, this year.  Traditionally, after the tree is lit, the Christmas Pathway of Peace begins. The Pathway features trees representing the states and territories of the United States, and includes a number of musical performances.

    Christmas Angel Tradition

    Before Political correctness became important, a century old tradition of placing the Christmas Tree Angel was always the last decoration placed on the tree.

    Santa oversees loading of toys for Christmas Eve

    The Tradition started on December 23 decades ago.  On that cold winter day, anticipating Christmas Morning,  Santa went to the sleigh loading area at the North Pole.  The elves were supposed to be loading toys for all the girls and boys onto the red wooden sleigh.  There were no toys in sight.  The sleigh was empty.

    “Where is Olaf,” Santa asked one of the elves?  He was referring to the Superintendant of Sleigh Loading who was the overseer of loading operations.    

    “Santa,” Erik the elf replied, “Remember, Olaf retired back in March.  You never appointed a replacement for him.”

    Santa thought about the time constraints and realized he had to get things moving.  “All right,” he said, “You are the new Super, Erik .  I’ll let payroll know.”

    “Thank you Mr. Clause.  I will try my best to get everything loaded on time.  There is one problem though.  The floorboards in the sleigh are rotted and will never hold the weight of all those toys.”

    Santa Looked Into the Sleigh

    Santa looked into the sleigh and sure enough, he could see the snow under the carriage.

    “Does Lars the carpenter know about this?  Get him working on this right away.”

    “I’d like to Mr. Claus, but he is six sheets to the wind, hiding in the woodshed.  I think he drank to too deep a draught of ale.”

    “What next,” Santa thought to himself, already a day behind schedule.  He also knew the elves would want to take off early on Christmas Eve.  How would the loading ever get done in time to deliver toys to all the children of the world.

    “Put Olav in charge of the repairs. He is very handy with tools and does excellent repair work”

    Next, the jolly old elf went to the reindeer coral to see how the feeding was going. He noticed there were only five of his magical coursers in the pen.

    “Where are Vixen, Dancer and Donner,” he asked Andreas the reindeer wrangler

    “Dancer and Donner are out with the flu today, really bad case,” answered Andreas

    Santa's Sleigh Winter

    “What about Vixen,” Santa asked.

    “She is with Astrid the Vet.  Seems like she is about to foal at any time.  Definitely out for this year,” Lars replied.

    Reindeer Barn
    Santa thinks about his bottle of Brevenin

    By now the peddler look alike was frantic.  He chomped down hard on his pipe, tugged his belt to pull his red pants higher around his belly and thought about the botle of Brennevin hid in the broom closet, Santa needed a drink. 

    However, anticipating things like this happening, Ingrid, Mrs. Claus if you prefer, had removed the powerful alcoholic drink from the closet and hid it under the sink. Santa was frantic.  He decided to have a cup of coffee instead.  With his hand a little shaky by now, the coffee carafe slipped from his fingers and crashed into a hundred pieces on the floor.

    “Darn,” the old guy said and went to the closet to get a broom. 

    Mice had gotten into the broom closet and eaten all the straw from the broom leaving only stubs attached to the handle. Santa looked for something else to clean up the mess.

    Suddenly there was loud banging on the door.  Santa stomped over to open it and see who was knocking.

    Mrs. Clause
    Christmas Angel with Christmas Tree for Santa

    It was the Christmas Angel.  So svelte and attractive in her flowing winter gown, wings spread wide, smiling and vivacious, holding a beautiful eight foot fir tree.

    “Hi Santa,” she said. “I’m the Christmas Angel with a beautiful Christmas Tree that I bought for you to decorate your house for the Christmas season.  Where do you want me to stick it?”

                 Now you know how the tradition of the Christmas Angel started.

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